About Me

Result-driven team player with a passion for problem solving and contributing to the software development lifecycle. My most recent position was on the frontend engineering team at Blockchains, a startup building powerful Web3 digital-identity based software. My contributions to the company's software included many bug fixes, implementing report functionality, building out UI, developing a creator toolkit for users to upload and mint NFTs, and much more. I also took time to improve communications to optimize collaboration across cross-functional teams by revamping sprint planning meetings and maintaining software documentation. I strive to help companies succeed in all aspects that my role touches and am continuously driven by my desire for learning and growth. My goal is to become a valued member of a company that makes quality applications that help to improve the world.

Tech Skills

html icon css icon ts icon node icon react icon nextjs icon mongoDB icon github icon mui icon graphql icon postgresql icon docker icon docker icon jira icon playwright icon

My work

Here are a few of my projects.

The Reflective Hour

A full-stack productivity app that allows users to give input and rate their day. The app then presents extensive statistical data back utilizing Google Cloud’s natural language AI. Users can explore the relationships among the words they used to describe their individual days, uncovering connections and similarities in how they spend their time or rate their day. The project was built with TypeScript, React, Next, Docker, GraphQL, PostgreSQL.


Gizma is a full-stack social media app that allows users to post their custom workouts. Users are able to view posts from other users in the Home/Feed section, and have the ability to like and comment on posts. The app is built with authentication for all users using passport.

Cocktail Bartender

An app that allows the user to input any keyword of their favorite cocktail and will provide a list of cocktails provided by a REST API. The user may then select their desired cocktail to display its name, picture, ingredient list, and instructions.

Hair Salon

A simple static HTML & CSS website for Irelza Hair Salon.


Looking for a dev to join your team or looking to improve your business website?
Let's connect!
I would love to discuss your business inquiry.
